Saturday, January 14, 2017

Jan 14.

Our location on the beach is wonderful. Palm trees throughout the campsite; a short 30 pace walk and you are on the beach. 

We even have a buddy VW van from Victoria staying tight next to us! There are lots of Canadian campers here and only a few American. I guess they believe all the media coverage of how unsafe this country is. We have found the opposite. The people have been extremely kind to us. We have not heard any travellers talking about unpleasant experiences. 

As you can see the famous Malecon beach walk was not overly crowded even though it was a Saturday. The temperature and people who we have met have been a real treat.

While Adrienne spent time on the beach, I took the bike and rode off to a local bar. Here I watch the Seattle Seahawks get killed by the Atlanta Falcons. Most depressing. However what made up for it was the meal and beer at that I purchased. I could not believe it when they gave me the bill for a total of five dollars US. 

I think I could spend a few extra days here just for the food!!

Sent from Tom's iPhone

Sent from Tom's iPhone

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