Saturday, February 25, 2017

Feb 24. Yesterday's shaker

I forgot to mention that yesterday, at 4:27 AM we experience earthquake.  It woke us up with a shock. The hotel sounded like a huge vehicle hitting the rumble strip in the side of a highway. Although it lasted for less than Ten seconds, it felt much longer. We did not quite know what to do. We jumped out of bed but could not go outside because we are on the second floor and it was dangerous standing on the balcony because there is another cement balcony above our heads. 

We got back into bed thinking about an escape plan. I was on the internet searching earthquake history in the area, when sure enough a half hour later a second tremor occurred. This one lasted longer than the first.  It was certainly a bit unnerving. 

The first quake was 4.8 in the richter scale and apparently quakes of this magnitude are common in this area. No damage was reported, but as can be expected, Ade had a hard time getting back to sleep. I just crashed, but with my clothes on!!

Today I had a day full of fun. Ade took a break and I rented a scooter for the day. From 9:00 until 11:00 I just drove throughout Huatulco from bay to bay, get a complete "lay of the land". Next it was off to Entrega bay to resume my scuba adventure. 

Sure enough my guide from yesterday was there with three other clients to take me on a free dive and get the pictures that failed to come out yesterday. 

We saw the same sorts of fish and she got some great video of them eating from a shell in my hand. Along with one of her clients, she took us into the ocean cave again. It was much easier overcoming my claustrophobia today as a swell propelled us through the narrow waterway into the open cave area. The 15 year old from Brooks Alberta was beside himself with excitement--especially on our way out as experienced divers seemed to soar below us as they were diving right below us through the narrow entry way. 

The guide was so good to me as she took my email, assuring me that the pictures would be on my computer tomorrow. 

Next, I was back to see Ade for a bit before doing a bit more exploring in the afternoon. It was sad when 5:30 came and I had to return my machine. 

Village of Bocano Capalita where Chay and I stopped and tried our luck at surfing. 

The restaurant we are going to this evening only had one reservation left at 9:00. It will be a late dinner. 

Wow!! What a great dinner. Can you imagine? A French restaurant in Huatulco, Mexico?  I thought our hotel restaurant meal was great last night. This meal definitely raised the standard!  The entries and drinks were great and the fresh made lava cake (cooked while you eat so you order it at the start of your meal!) was more than we ever expected along with the home made ice cream (made each morning in the restaurant) sent the meal over the top!  All for just over $20!!!

The late stroll home topped everything off with the stars and perfect evening temperature with slight breeze. 

Sent from Tom's iPhone

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