Weather in Mazatlan is sunny and clear with much higher humidity than you might expect. High today was 26 but the breeze makes it feel much cooler--too cool for us. We are heading to Guadalajara tomorrow.
You sure meet some interesting people here, many Canadians, and some Americans as well as a few from other counties.
One couple we met was from Switzerland. They have been on the road for the most part of 30 years!! Most of there years were spent seeing all of Africa, with the last 7 years in South America and Australia. Now they are in North America for a few years. In that time they have gone through 4 vehicles and are now on their 5th. The first two were Mercedes Unimogs but they found their last 3 converted Toyota Landcruisers to be superior with complete living quarters inside and a tent that pops up if you want. Very interesting couple who may visit us in Kelowna in 2 years.
Another couple beside us had been coming from Maryland for the past 27 years. If you can believe it they come to the same spot every year.
It seems every camper here has an interesting and unique story.
The Malecon sea wall has statutes like this in many locations along a distance of several kilometres. It makes for a nice bike ride--all flat!
I bought fresh fish for supper. Today's catch.
The old part of town is usually missed by tourists but has an old European charm to it.
Night time cools down to just under 20 degrees. This makes it quite comfortable and almost too cool.
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